[b]Download 1920x1080 Video :[/b] [url]https://mega.co.nz/#!a8pCzTpQ!ZHSDC0_tUFWOlQk0Bbwa1AXwokLSbKp8o9onBVNImas[/url]
[b]Download 1280x720 Video :[/b][url] https://mega.co.nz/#!6hhgVBBK!u-W8i3mPtRG3BAS9Iv7xN_0E-ojYe0PvtcAhcyRLSZ4[/url]
This is not the best video, as there were problems with it, but I decided to upload this anyway because I have been idle for so long. Life kind of took a nice sharp axe and took it to me for a goooood while. But now that things are calm I can get back to making these. I need to work on my editing and filming style for a little bit to make better content, as I am pretty average at the moment.
Thanks to [url=https://www.furaffinity.net/user/rookalec][b]Rook (kouichialec) rookalec[/b][/url] and [b]Denny Whitefur (deneiros)[/b] for being available! Send them tips! :P
The video was recorded on our studio, which is located on the Murrs & Purrs sim, come say hi!
[b]FA-Link (Video) :[/b] [url]https://www.furaffinity.net/view/14854459/[/url]
[b]FA-Profile :[/b] [/url]https://www.furaffinity.net/user/yifftrax/[/url]